Thursday, November 29

faith and science, playing in the same sandbox all along

That is what this article by physicist-cum-pop-science-writer Paul Davies seems to suggest:

Taking Science on Faith (NYT)
Feed byline: "Until science comes up with a testable theory of the laws of the universe, its claim to be free of faith is manifestly bogus."

Pretty sensational (in the tabloid sense of the word), eh? Anyway, all I have to say after reading it is...uh, NO.

It quite annoyed me, both for it's inflammatory writing style and overreaching straw man of a conclusion. Also, it was kind of surprising coming from a guy on our side? He does make a lot of great points and's just the tone it ends on that bugs me. Anyway, it's got quite the buzz going on now, and a lot of other people (links pulled from Seed's daily zeitgeist) have written out interesting, pithy responses.

[ Oh yeah, and if you jump through to Seed Magazine's page, check out the pdf cribsheets on topics ranging from photosynthesis to hybrid vehicles to genetics. Very nice! ]

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