Thursday, November 8


Alright, here it is. The first post on yet another new blog. A trial post, really. Why, you ask? Why must I keep flitting from service to service?

Well, I had a lot of issues with Livejournal. They seem incredibly slow to make progress. They seem quite satisfied with their community-based livelihood, and I understand that. But I want integration and development and most of all javascript sidebar widgets, heh! I don't really care about communities, userpics, mood, music, etc. And what the hell is the deal with people not being able to leave a name with an unregistered comment? Only anonymous / LJ user / OpenID? Ugh.

Blogger is almost too easy for the nerd in me, but all the fun customization really wins the day.

In the end, it's true. Google Rules Everything Around Me. (dolla dolla bills y'all...)

Gah. Tonight I am going to bed with a sweatshirt on over a long-sleeved shirt, with my PJ pants tucked into my socks Princess-Jasmine-style. Winter is nigh upon us, my friends...

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