Thursday, November 15

who wants a banger in the mooouth?

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I just downloaded the Bangers & Cash EP by Spank Rock and Benny Blanco. It's amazing. Maybe not as good as Spank Rock's solo album, but it still gives me my fix.

b-o-o-t-a-y, you ain't got no alibi
you ugly, yeah yeah
bitch, fuck me
(from B-O-O-T-A-Y, clearly a classic in the making with air-raid sirens and repeatedly shouted dance mantras and everything. If you're a rabid feminist or otherwise have a stick up your ass, you may want to stay clear. It's totally not their best song, though.)

Bangers & Cash is like the dirty rap / dirty beats of Spank Rock combined with the get-down-and-shake-your-shit guilty dance music pleasure that is 2 Live Crew. Stepped up a little. "Loose" is my favorite song so far (maybe you can find it on

Yeah, so, I really just wanted to use the joint effort as a segue to talk about Spank Rock. I love this man. Seriously, if you like dance music, or underground rap (of the infectiously dirty variety), and don't mind a little dabbling into electro, WHAT-EVER just get YoYoYoYoYo. So Good. Easily one of my top 3 favorite albums of 2006.

I cannot wait till I'm back in the states and I can hunt down all these people and start going to live shows again!

Vid linkage:
Spank Rock interviewed by Flavorpill (Ronnie Darko dancing = too cute)
"Loose" at some FADER release party (how awesome are his glasses)
Spank Rock performing "Bump" (great song) with Amanda Blank (she fucking rocks, I'm kind of in love with her too)

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