Thursday, November 15

my body is staging a mutiny

I think I had one of the worst nights of my life yesterday. I don't know what happened. It started after lunch with kind of a dull discomfort in my belly, then continued till night when I ended up in a fetal position on my bed due to sharp, twisting stomach cramps. I tried to hit the sack relatively early but was roused from my bed by the sudden desire to be completely at one with the bathroom (to put it nicely).

Anyway, it was not pretty, and I was violently sick for something like four hours before the pain abated enough to sleep. I've woken up today very, very weak, but it seems like my stomach is okay now (fingers crossed).

What the fuck? I've had food poisoning/stomach flu before, and though hellish, it was neither as severe nor painful, and the sickness usually stretched out to 3-4 days at least. I can't decide whether it's better to have one day of really violent symptoms or 3-4 days of milder ones. Anyway, I'm gonna have to be more careful about what I eat for a while. Today will be a day of laundry and slowly putting food and water back into my body.

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