Friday, January 9


I just enrolled in classes for spring. I'm a student again! Wheeee

It felt strange and exhilarating to be walking on a new campus yesterday, especially one so close to home. Classes aren't in session, but there were still quite a few students milling about and badgering the counseling office - like myself (n00b). It being a community college, the population is really diverse in both age and ethnicity, which is refreshing and more than I can say for UCLA.

Only when they asked me to bring my diploma with, did I remember that I never picked up my diploma. Whoops! What was on my mind that last year of college? GET THE FUCK OUT.

So, anyway, it feels so good to have something lined up in my life, finally. Although winter break was The Best, my friends (and my sister) have returned to their respective locales for school or work, Mom is off to Taiwan at the end of January, and soon it will just be me and Dad again. I love having the house to myself, but if not for classes, this is probably when I'd hang myself.

The one other thing keeping me alive and kicking is, of course, the snow! ...And a new friend who shares my love of the snow and has the car and gear to take us to the mountain. :) Right now we're having a rash of sunny days, but we'll be headed up to Tahoe as soon as the weather gives us a rainy little nudge.

I'm finally going to try some freestyle stuff. And split my head open like a sad little melon.

Other things we've got planned for warmer weather: rock wall, shooting range, archery range, skydiving, paintball. I'm documenting it here so I won't forget or pussy out on any of it. Spring is gonna rawk!

1 comment:

akatsuki said...

Thank freakin' goodness, Kat!

Btw, totally jealous of all of your adventures. Rock climbing and snowboarding?!!! Urayamashii wa~~